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SALE: Up to -40% Off
Sozzi x Michele Franzese
Long socks in pure navy blue shaved silk with jacquard logo on the sole of the foot.
Long black socks in pure 3-thread ribbed silk with jacquard logo on the sole of the foot.
Long black socks in exclusive shaved cashmere with print on the sole of the foot.
Long navy blue socks in exclusive shaved cashmere with print on the sole of the foot.
Long black socks in exclusive 3-ply ribbed cashmere with print on the sole of the foot.
Long socks in pure black shaved silk with jacquard logo on the sole of the foot.
Long navy blue socks in pure 3-thread ribbed silk with jacquard logo on the sole of the foot.
Long navy blue socks in exclusive 3-ply ribbed cashmere with print on the sole of the foot.